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Welcome to the UTSA Scholarship Hub!
You may browse our scholarship opportunities below. To apply for scholarships, admitted or current students must sign in with their myUTSA ID and Passphrase.

Once you have signed in, please complete the General Application. After the General Application is submitted, you will be automatically matched to scholarship opportunities for which you may qualify. No further action is required for these automatically matched scholarships. However, you may be prompted to answer additional questions and/or may be eligible to pursue additional scholarship opportunities. To maximize your scholarship eligibility, please review each scholarship opportunity and submit the additional requirements/information. Please keep in mind that qualifying does not guarantee that you will receive a scholarship and be mindful of the deadlines for each scholarship opportunity. You will be notified via email to your preferred UTSA email account if selected for a scholarship, so please check your preferred email account regularly. Only students selected for scholarship awards will receive an email from the awarding college or department.

New scholarships are continuously being added to the Scholarship Hub. We encourage you to keep checking back to ensure you maximize your scholarship opportunities. Thank you for your interest in UTSA Scholarships!

71 Found • Remove Filters

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$2,500-$5,000 AFCEA Annual Cyber Security Scholarship
This scholarship was established by The Alamo Chapter of the Armed...
$1,516.16 Dr. Brian Derrick Endowed Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was created to honor the memory and legacy of Dr. Brian...
$548.23 Dr. Craig Jordan Excellence in Student Success Endowed Award
This award was established by Dr. Craig Jordan, retired Associate Dean...
$1,000 Edward Engates Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Computer Science
This scholarship was established in loving memory of Edward Engates by...
$875.28 Enterprise Architecture Endowed Scholarship
The Enterprise Architecture Endowed Scholarship shall be a permanent...
Varies Jessie Mann Endowed Computer Science Scholarship In Honor of Hugh Maynard
The Jessie Mann Endowed Computer Science Scholarship in Honor of Hugh...
Varies Jessie Mann Endowed Computer Science Scholarship in Memory of Robert Young
The Jessie Mann Endowed Computer Science Scholarship in Memory of Robert...
$1,000.00 Joey Mukherjee Endowed Scholarship for CS Majors Who Don't Run Good
Joey Mukherjee was never a fast runner, finishing most marathons between...
Varies Michael Maltrud Endowed Memorial Scholarship
The Michael Maltrud Endowed Memorial Scholarship shall be held in...
$1,000.00 Pearson Family Annual Scholarship for Computer Science
1. Recipient(s) must be enrolled full-time as determined by the...
Varies The Allen N. Martinese Endowed Scholarship Fund in Computer Science
To be eligible for Allen N. Martinese Scholarships, applicants must meet...
Varies Will Winsborough Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Computer Science
The Will Winsborough Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Computer Science...
Varies Kaplan, Inc. Award
Recipient(s) receives free enrollment in a test prep course as they...
Varies The Allen N. Martinese Endowed Scholarship Fund in Computer Science
To be eligible for Allen N. Martinese Scholarships, applicants must meet...
$1,000 Carlos Alvarez Endowed Competitive Scholarships
• Recipient must be a graduate student enrolled full-time and actively...
Varies Enterprise Architecture Endowed Scholarship
This is open to College of Sciences, Computer Science majors. • Declared...
Varies Jessie Mann Endowed Computer Science Scholarship in Honor of Hugh Maynard
The Jessie Mann Endowed Computer Science Scholarship in Honor of Hugh...
Varies Michael Maltrud Memorial Scholarship
The Michael Maltrud Endowed Memorial Scholarship shall be held in...
Varies DPT Laboratories Annual Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by DPT Chemical. These funds are used to...
$1,400.00 Digital Defense, Inc. Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduates in Computer Science
1.Recipient(s) must be enrolled at least part-time as determined...
$1,000.00 College of Sciences Student Success Award
This scholarship is in honor of Dr. Bernard Sagik, the first Dean in the...
1,000 Maria Lockwood Memorial Annual Scholarship
Maria Lockwood was a Ph.D. student who unfortunately passed away prior...
$0.00 Jerry Wayne Earnest Memorial Scholarship in the Geosciences in the College of Sciences
The Wilford L Stapp Memorial Fund is to facilitate undergraduate...
$1,000.00 Caleb Scott Krauchunas Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics
This scholarship is in memory of Caleb who passed away prior to...
Varies Elmendorf Family Fund Scholarship
Dirk and Annie Elmendorf have been STEM education supporters for years....
$1,500 CNF Cyber Security Annual Scholarship
This scholarship is made possible through a gift from CNF Technologies...
$1,000.00 Digital Defense, Inc. Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduates in Computer Science
1.Recipient(s) must be enrolled at least part-time as determined...
Varies Richard L. Murphy and Mary W. Bancroft Computer Science Annual Scholarship
The Richard L. Murphy and Mary W. Bancroft Computer Science Annual...
~$6,000/year Dr. B. Thyagarajan Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Thyagarajan established this scholarship shortly after his...
~$1,500/year Juan and Epifania Martinez Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Norma Martinez Lozano and her husband established this scholarship to...
~ $1,000/year Bernard P. Sagik Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is in honor of Dr. Bernard Sagik, the first Dean in the...
$1,500 Carolyn Breed Woelfler Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in loving memory of Mrs. Woelfler by...
$1,500.00 Claire Kline, M.D. Annual Scholarship In Honor of Shirley Fisher Kline and Memory of Dr. Robert Kline
This scholarship was established by Dr. Claire Holshouser. It is awarded...
~$5,000/year Dr. Harold G. Longbotham Endowed Scholarship
His family, to honor his memory, established this scholarship. Dr....
~ $1,500/year Drs. Ricardo and Harriett Romo College of Sciences Endowed Scholarship
The Dickson-Allen Foundation and Mr. Curtis Vaughn III established this...
~$1,600/year Emily Zachry Ansley Endowed Scholarship
Ms. Ansley’s loved ones established this scholarship in her memory....
$2,000.00 Joel Solis, M.D. Annual Scholarship in Memory of Robert Villasenor
The scholarship was established in loving memory of Robert Villasenor,...
~$1,000/year Joseph J. Gdovin, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in loving memory of a former student at...
$2,474.76 Kim Fischer Endowed Scholarship for Excellence in the Sciences
This scholarship was created by the family, friends, and colleagues of...
$1,961.08 Robert E. Hamilton Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was created by Adam and Leslie Hamilton, to honor their...
$5,000.00 Saint Susie Charitable Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Foundation, which was created to...
"Varies" Dr. James O. Jones Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Dr. James O. Jones Endowed Memorial Scholarship For: Student Geological...
$1,500/year Dr. Rama M. Mantripragada Memorial Annual Scholarship
Sangeeta Mantripragada created this scholarship with the intent to...
~$2,000/year Merle and Helen Converse Endowed Scholarship
As a student at Kansas State University, Merle faced the challenges of...
~$4,500/year Sam Madrid, Jr. Endowed Scholarship in Science and Engineering
The Madrid family and friends established this scholarship. As a member...
"Varies" Southwest Gem & Mineral Society Summer Field Camp Scholarship Endowed Fund
The Southwest Gem & Mineral Society Endowed Scholarship For: Support...
$1,808.44 Dr. O. W. Van Auken Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was named after Dr. Van Auken, a well-known professor...
$5,000.00 H.W. "Bill" Lende, Jr. Annual Graduate Research Fund
This scholarship was created by Mr. Bill Lende to support graduate...
$5,000.00 H.W. "Bill" Lende, Jr. Endowed Graduate Research Fund
This scholarship was created by Mr. Bill Lende to support graduate...
~ $2,000/year Arcie and Craig Jordan Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship in the Sciences
This scholarship promotes the academic and personal development of...