National Nuclear Security Administration - PATH Scholarships

The Program Award for Technical and Higher Education (PATH), sponsored by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), offers scholarships to students from Minority Serving Institutions pursuing a technical certificate, or an associate, bachelor, or graduate degree in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM)-discipline that supports the critical needs of the Nuclear Security Enterprise (NSE).

Scholarships will start on September 1st and will end on May 31st regardless of the beginning and ending of the academic terms.

Technical Certification/Two-year certificate/degree

Award per year: $4,500
Maximum Years of Support: 2 years (students continuing to a four degree are eligible for 2 additional years of support)
Eligible Degree Programs: Associate of Science, Associate of Engineering, Associate of Applied Science
Four-year Undergraduate Degree

Award per year: $10,000
Maximum Years of Support: 4
Eligible Degree Programs: Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Applied Science
Graduate Degree

Award per year: $20,000
Maximum Years of Support: 2
Eligible Degree Programs: Master of Science, Master of Engineering, Doctoral (Ph.D or comparable doctoral degree)

Application Requirements

Be a U.S. citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) at the time of application.
Be 18 years of age by September 1, 2024.
Meet one of the following conditions at the time of application:
Planning to be enrolled as an undergraduate (a freshman, sophomore or junior student) at a Minority Serving Institution for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Planning to be enrolled as a first-year graduate student at a Minority Serving Institution for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Planning to be enrolled as a PhD student at a Minority Serving Institution for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Note: All applicants must provide proof of application/acceptance to a Minority Serving Institution.

Be pursuing or plan to pursue a technical certificate, or an associate, bachelor, or graduate degree in a STEM discipline in one or more fields that supports the critical needs of the Nuclear Security Enterprise. The enterprise has a wide array of critical needs that range from technical expertise and skilled trades to STEM research. Important areas of research include nuclear security, advanced manufacturing, cybersecurity, engineering, and energy systems.
Be interested in the NNSA mission. Information about the NNSA Mission Directorates detailing the NNSA mission can be found at:
Maintaining the Stockpile
Counterterrorism and Counterproliferation
Powering the Nuclear Navy
Meet the minimum grade point average (GPA) requirements for the corresponding academic level listed below:
One-to-two-year degree or certification: 2.5
Four-year undergraduate degree: 3.0
Graduate degree: 3.2 minimum

Deadline May 15, 2024

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships