Laura Carter Memorial Fellowship

FALL 2025
Laura Carter Memorial Fellowship

The recipient must be a graduate student actively pursuing a degree in the Department of Counseling in the College of Education and Human Development.
Preference will be given to students in their practicum.
Students will write a Statement of counseling career interests and goals (e.g., what do you want to do in the future as a counselor? What population do you want to help or do you feel most passionate about working with?)

College of Education & Human Development
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you registering for Practicum in Counseling (COU 5683) for the 2024-2025 Academic Year?
  2. Please write a Statetement of counseling career interests and goals (e.g., what do you want to do in the future as a counselor? What population do you want to help or do you feel most passionate about working with?)