Klesse College Urbino Study Abroad Scholarship
It is with great pleasure to announce that Klesse College is offering $1,000 for eligible Architecture and Interior Design students enrolled in the Urbino study abroad program. Please see the eligibility requirements below:
Application requirements:
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 (SA+P credit hours only)
- Transcript
- An essay of maximum 500 words on the impact of Study Abroad signature experience on your architectural education.
- Students who qualify for financial aid will be given priority.
- Completed Study Abroad in Urbino in Fall 2024 or currently enrolled for Spring 2025.
- Award
- $1,000
- College/Department
- Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design
- Deadline
- 02/28/2025
- Supplemental Questions
- Study Abroad
- Are you enrolled or have you been enrolled in the Urbino study abroad program?
- If yes, when?
- Essay: Write a brief essay (500 words maximum) that answers the following question:
What does this scholarship mean to you?
Within the essay you must also address the impact of Urbino Study Abroad Scholarship on your architectural education. - UTSA Transcript
- Study Abroad