The Gunn Family Scholarship in Social Work

To be eligible for this award, applicants must:

  • Be actively pursuing a Masters in Social Work in the College for Health, Community and Policy at UTSA.
  • Have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • List all non-paid community activities in which you have participated in the last four years (i.e., charity groups, church, hospitals, etc.)
  • List all clubs, organizations, student government, etc. If any activities involved leadership positions, please indicate.
  • Write an essay describing why you should be chosen for the scholarship (excluding your GPA). Please address the following questions: What do you see as your future contribution in the social work profession? To date, what do you consider as significant events or experiences in your commitment to the pursuit of your education?

College for Health, Community & Policy
Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you received this scholarship before?
  2. How many semester credit hours do you plan to enroll in for Fall 2025?
  3. How many hours do you plan to enroll in for Spring 2026?
  4. When is your expected graduation semester (example: Fall 2025)?
  5. Essay: Write a brief essay (500 words maximum) that answers the following question:

    What does this scholarship mean to you?

    Within the essay you must also address:
  6. Career Goals/Plans Upon Graduation
  7. Extracurricular Activities/Honors & Leadership Positions held in High School and/or College
  8. Community Service Activities and/or Volunteer Activities
  9. Hobbies and/or Special Interests
  10. Community and Volunteer Activities: List all non-paid community activities in which you have participated in the last four years (i.e., charity groups, church, hospitals, etc.)
  11. College Activities: List all clubs, organizations, student government, etc. If any activities involved leadership positions, please indicate.
  12. Are you pursuing a graduate degree in Social Work?
  13. Show 3 more