Terry Scholars® at UTSA

What is the Terry Scholars® program
Created by Houston philanthropists Howard and Nancy Terry in 1986, the Terry Foundation is the largest private scholarship provider in Texas. Terry Scholarships are awarded at 13 Texas public universities. Terry Scholars are selected based on three criteria: academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, and financial need. The Terry Scholarship is awarded to Texas high school seniors accepted to and nominated by Texas public universities. The award covers up to the full cost of attendance for up to eight semesters of a bachelor’s degree program. Scholars meeting additional GPA requirements may also qualify to receive additional funding for one study abroad experience. Terry Scholars at UTSA are active members of the university community and participate in the Terry Scholars student organization on campus.

High school seniors that are graduating from a Texas school and will be entering college in Fall 2025 can apply beginning September 2024.
The application deadline is December 1, 2024. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

To be eligible for the Terry Scholars program at UTSA, you must:

  • Be entering UTSA as a full-time first year student immediately following graduation from a Texas high school
  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Qualify for Texas residency for higher education
  • Have graduated from a Texas high school
  • Be in top 25% of high school ranking
  • Have a strong record of community volunteerism and leadership
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Submission of SAT and ACT scores is optional

UTSA Admissions application and Terry Scholars application December 1, 2024. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
FAFSA must be on file prior to interview invitations.
(UTSA code: 010115)
Recommended to submit all required material for university admissions by November 1st for processing.

The use of generative AI is authorized only as a virtual learning assistant for this application.

Once submissions are complete, a committee will review applications and submit a list of nominees to the Terry Foundation. The Terry Foundation will then confirm that list and extend invitations for interviews. Following the completion of interviews, UTSA will receive a list of awarded scholars.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at terry.scholar@utsa.edu.

Supplemental Questions
  1. First Name:
  2. Last Name:
  3. Preferred Name:
  4. Student Information
    • 01. Mailing Address:
    • 02. City:
    • 03. State:
    • 04. Zip Code:
    • 05. County:
    • 06. Email Address: (please enter a personal email, not a school email address)
    • 07. Home Phone:
    • 08. Cell Phone:
    • 09. Alternate Phone:
    • 10. Date of Birth:
    • 11. City, State or Country of Origin:
    • 12. Are you a U.S. Citizen?
    • 13. If you are not a U.S. Citizen, are you a Permanent Resident? Permanent residents are not U.S. Citizens but are lawfully authorized to live permanently in the United States. Permanent residents will be required to upload their Permanent Residency card later in this application.
    • 14. Do you qualify as a Texas Resident for higher education? Texas residency for higher education is a requirement for the Terry Scholar program.
    • 15. Gender:
    • 16. Racial Category:
    • 17. Ethnic Background:
    • 18. Did either of your parents graduate with a bachelor's (or higher) degree?
    • 19. Do you have a sibling who is/was a Terry Scholar?
    • 20. Do you have a sibling who is applying for a Terry Scholarship?
    • 21. If yes to either of the two last questions, what is their name(s)?
    • 22. What is your anticipated College Major?
  5. Financial Information
    Applicants must file a completed Free Application for Federal Student Financial Aid (FAFSA) with the U.S. Department of Education and indicate UTSA as a report recipient (UTSA code: 010115). FAFSA forms must be on file prior to interview invitations.

    For this portion of the Terry Scholarship Application, please use 2023 tax return numbers.
    (Financial information may be subject to verification from tax returns or other sources.)
    • 01. Your marital status:
    • 02. Your total annual income: (This is your personal income, not your family/parent income.)
    • 03. Your parent's marital status:
    • 04. You presently live with:
    • 05. Funds for college saved by you:
    • 06. Funds for your college saved by others:
    • 07. Parent/Guardian 1 - Total annual income:
    • 08. Parent/Guardian 1 - Occupation:
    • 09. Parent/Guardian 1 - Employer:
    • 10. Parent/Guardian 2 - Total annual income:
    • 11. Parent/Guardian 2 - Occupation:
    • 12. Parent/Guardian 2 - Employer:
    • 13. Child support received per month and from whom (if applicable):
    • 14. Parents/Guardians total cash savings:
    • 15. Projected parental/guardian support (annually):
    • 16. Parents/Guardians investments net value:
    • 17. Parents/Guardians business/farm net value (if applicable):
    • 18. Do you have a Texas Tomorrow or 529 college savings plan?
    • 19. If yes, provide its value:
  6. Parent/Guardian's Adjusted Gross Income from 2023 tax form:
  7. My family's income for 2024 remained/will remain the same as 2023:
  8. If not, will it increase or decrease and by how much?
  9. List other scholarships or grants you will receive
    Click "Add Another Answer" to add up to eight.
    • 01. Scholarship/Grant Name:
    • 02. Number of years to be awarded:
    • 03. Dollar amount to be awarded per year:
  10. List other scholarships or grants for which you have applied
    Click "Add Another Answer" to add up to eight.
    • Scholarship/Grant Name
  11. Please provide specific information for all children up to 25 years of age in your family. Do not include yourself or your parents.
    Click "Add Another Answer" to add additional children.
    • 01. Name
    • 02. Age
    • 03. School/College/Occupation
    • 04. If in college, how many years in college?
    • 05. Self-supporting?
  12. To gain a better understanding of financial need, please describe any special circumstances that affect your family's ability to fund your college expenses.
    This helps the committee determine your financial need for scholarship.
    200 words maximum
  13. High School Information
    • 01. Name of High School:
    • 02. High School city:
    • 03. High School address:
    • 04. High School phone number:
    • 05. Name of High School Counselor:
    • 06. High School Counselor's email:
  14. Does your High School rank?
  15. Your High School class rank (#):
  16. Number of students in your graduating class:
  17. Class Ranking Percentile: (top x%)
  18. High School GPA:
  19. How many Advanced Placement (AP) or Dual Credit courses are offered by your high school?
  20. Please list any courses you have completed that could count as college credit hours, such as AP, IB or Dual Credit.
    Click "Add Another Answer" to add up to eight.
    • 01. Course Name:
    • 02. Type of Course (AP/IB/Dual Credit/etc.):
    • 03. Score or Grade: For an AP course please indicate the AP Test Score (1-5). For an IB or Dual Credit course please indicate the grade received.
  21. Please list any additional courses you are taking in your senior year that could count as college credit hours (AP/IB/Dual Credit/CLEP).
    Click "Add Another Answer" to add up to eight.
    • 01. Course Name:
    • 02. Type of Course (AP/IB/Dual Credit/etc.):
  22. Total number of college level credit hours expected to have earned by the end of senior year:
  23. Please indicate if you have received recognition as a National Merit Scholar, National Achievement, or National Hispanic Scholar. Please include date (MM/YY):
  24. High School Graduation Date:
  25. SAT/ACT Testing: Submission of scores is optional for Fall 2025 entering class
    Indicate your highest test scores for SAT and ACT. If you have taken a test multiple times, scores must come from the same test. Super scoring is not accepted.
    • 01. SAT Testing Date:
    • 02. SAT Composite Score:
    • 03. SAT Evidence Based Reading Score:
    • 04. SAT Math Score:
    • 05. ACT Testing Date:
    • 06. ACT Composite Score:
    • 07. ACT Reading Score:
    • 08. ACT Math Score:
    • 09. ACT English Score:
    • 10. ACT Science Score:
  26. Are you a recruited athlete or do you intend to try out for a NCAA sports team?
  27. Extracurricular Activities and Leadership Positions
    Important: If you are a recruited athlete, DO NOT include any information about your athletic participation or achievements on this application.

    In order of importance to you, list up to eight extracurricular activities both in and out of school during grades 9-12 (include band, clubs, affiliations, etc.)
    Click "Add Another Answer" to add up to eight.
    • 01. Organization/Activity:
    • 02. Description of activity:
    • 03. Position(s) held:
    • 04. Year(s) (i.e. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and/or Senior):
  28. Community or Volunteer Services
    Important: If you are a recruited athlete, DO NOT include any information about your athletic participation or achievements on this application.

    Describe your role in any community or volunteer service organization, the type of organization you were associated with, how many hours of service you devoted to the activity, and when you participated in each activity. List your most recent service first.
    Click "Add Another Answer" to add up to eight.
    • 01. Organization/Place of service:
    • 02. Description of service:
    • 03. From (MM/YY):
    • 04. To (MM/YY):
    • 05. Total Hours:
  29. Awards, Special Honors, and Distinctions
    Important: If you are a recruited athlete, DO NOT include any information about your athletic participation or achievements on this application.

    In order of importance to you, list up to eight major awards, honors, or distinctions that you received both in and out of school during grades 9-12.
    Click "Add Another Answer" to add up to eight.
    • 01. Award/Distinction/Honor:
    • 02. Description, Basis for award, Sponsor:
    • 03. Level of Competition (i.e. Class, School, District, State or National
    • 04. Year(s) Received (i.e. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and/or Senior):
  30. Employment and Internships
    List all of your previous and current jobs or internships. List your most recent activities first.
    Click "Add Another Answer" to add up to eight.
    • 01. Employer:
    • 02. Job Title:
    • 03. Description:
    • 04. Total hours/week:
    • 05. From (MM/YY):
    • 06. To (MM/YY):
    • 07. Total number of months:
  31. Reference
    Please enter the Full Name and Email Address of someone that can provide a recommendation on your behalf. This could be a teacher, counselor, community leader, employer, etc.
    It is expected that you respectfully request permission to use an individual as a reference prior to submitting their contact information. Once the contact information is submitted, an email is immediately sent to your reference with instructions on how to submit a letter of recommendation. Please encourage a timely response from your reference as the deadline is December 1. It is the applicant’s responsibility to verify that the reference has received an email from UTSA Scholarship HUB and submitted the letter or recommendation. In the Scholarship HUB you will not be able to view the submitted recommendation, only whether it has been submitted.
  32. College Plans
    List IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE up to six colleges or universities you are considering attending (include UTSA among your choices).
    • 01. First Preference:
    • 02. Second Preference:
    • 03. Third Preference:
    • 04. Fourth Preference:
    • 05. Fifth Preference:
    • 06. Sixth Preference:
  33. I certify that the information above reflects my personal ranked preferences of where I desire to seek my collegiate education.
  34. Why have you chosen to apply to The University of Texas at San Antonio?
    250 words maximum
  35. Why have you chosen your academic major(s)?
    250 words maximum
  36. What are some of your life's goals and objectives? Briefly describe any educational plans you have beyond earning your Bachelor's degree.
    250 words maximum
  37. Tell us your story.
    What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today?
    500 words maximum
  38. Describe an example of your leadership.
    Be sure to describe your actions and the actions of those around you and to explain what you accomplished.
    500 words maximum
  39. How might being part of a scholar program and community, as opposed to receiving only scholarship funds, contribute to your collegiate experience and career goals?
    250 words maximum
  40. "I certify that the information I am providing is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. If my application is accepted, I agree to abide by the policies, rules, and regulations of the Terry Foundation. I authorize the University of my choice and/or the Terry Foundation to verify the information I have provided. I further understand that this information will be relied upon by the Terry Foundation in determining my eligibility for financial aid and that the submission of false information is grounds for rejection of my application and/or withdrawal of an offer of scholarship."
  41. Type your name to certify:
    The information provided is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. If my academic information available through this application does not meet the scholarship criteria by the opportunity deadline, my application will not be considered. By submitting this application, I agree to abide by the policies, rules, and regulations governing UTSA. I authorize UTSA to verify the information provided and to use the information, including data from my Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA), as needed to assist with applicable program administration. I further understand that my information may be provided to the donor(s) and/or UTSA department(s) funding any award received, released to high schools and any award received may be publicized in university materials. I authorize UTSA to share, as needed, all required and requested information with applicable selected committee(s), including members of organizations overseeing donor interests (i.e. foundations, trust administrators, etc.). Finally, I understand that the submission of false information is grounds for rejection of my application and/or withdrawal of an offer extended.
  42. Upload PDF document of your high school transcript. A non-official transcript is acceptable. File name should only include numbers and letters, no symbols such as a period or comma.
  43. If enrolled in dual credit courses(s) during high school, upload your college transcript even if the course(s) are included on your high school transcript. A non-official transcript is acceptable. File name should only include numbers and letters, no symbols such as a period or comma.
  44. If applicable, please upload a PDF copy (front and back) of your Permanent Residency Card. If you are a Permanent Resident, this item will be mandatory. File name should only include numbers and letters, no symbols such as a period or comma.
  45. Type your first and last name to indicate you have read and understand the following procedure.
    Disclosure of Academic Honesty, Expected Behavior and Disciplinary Procedures

    The Terry Scholars program at UTSA expects its Scholars to abide by the highest standards of conduct. Applicants are required to disclose all student academic honesty, conduct and disciplinary outcomes, actions imposed against them or pending at any educational institution, all prior or pending student conduct investigations regarding their conduct by any educational institution, and all prior or pending criminal convictions. This information must be provided at the time of program selection and must be updated prior to the start of the program. Submission of incomplete, false or inaccurate information is grounds for rejection of your application, withdrawal of any offer of acceptance and/or disciplinary action. The Terry Scholar program at UTSA reserves the right to withdraw any invitation if we become aware of any academic or non-academic improprieties.
    If you have matters to report that you have not already reported, please disclose them no later than December 1, 2024 by email to Kristi Meyer (Kristi.Meyer@utsa.edu).
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