Honors Experiential Learning Award

The Honors College provides grants of up to $500 to defray the cost of educational travel, professional development, research, service, or other experiential learning opportunities. Examples include but are
not limited to presenting a paper at an academic conference, the costs of equipment and supplies for a specific project or participating in an alternative spring break service program. We welcome and
encourage students of all class years to apply. Students will be evaluated by class year, with awards made across different stages of study, from first-year students to seniors.

Applications are due by the 1st day of the following months: September, October, November, February, March, and April
Important: In order to receive this award, you must agree to present at the ELF within one year of being awarded

Please note that while the Honors College can sponsor expenses such as airfare and conference registration, it cannot pay for local travel expenses (rideshare or taxis), meals, and per diem or reimburse
students for expenses. The award is posted to the student’s myutsa account, and if the student has a balance on their account, the award will pay the balance first and then issue a refund for the difference. The Honors College must abide by federal regulations regarding financial aid, so there may be some cases in which an award cannot be provided based on the student’s existing scholarship package (ex., Student’s meeting their Cost of Attendance). For eligibility and other questions, please get in touch with the Honors College at honors.scholarships@utsa.edu.

Honors College
Supplemental Questions
  1. Title and dates of activity for which you are seeking funds (Example: Presenting paper at SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference; October 22-24):
  2. How much funding are you requesting?
  3. To what other funding sources have you applied?
    • If there are no other funding sources in your area, please state this and identify where you searched for funding or how you have exhausted other funding resources.
    • Please also include in attached budget.
  4. When do you need to pay for this opportunity?
  5. In no more than 250 words, please describe your goals for your first years after graduation and how this educational experience will play a role in helping you achieve those goals?
  6. In no more than 150 words, please describe how this opportunity will forward your goals while at UTSA.
  7. In no more than 150 words, please describe the ways in which you have been involved in the Honors College. You may include courses that you have taken, experiences that you have completed, events that you attended, or honors groups with whom you have worked.
  8. How do you anticipate sharing the experience of this opportunity with the Honors Community?
  9. If granted an Experiential Learning Award, I agree to provide the Honors College with proof of attendance of the event or activity, for which funds were awarded, and will support promotional coverage of my activity in the event for use in Honors publications on the web or in print.
  10. Please Download this *Budget Worksheet*, fill out completely and then upload the Budget Worksheet.
  11. In order to be funded, you must agree to present at the ELF within one year of receiving the award.
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