Our Opportunities

Welcome to the UTSA Scholarship Hub!
You may browse our scholarship opportunities below. To apply for scholarships, admitted or current students must sign in with their myUTSA ID and Passphrase.

Once you have signed in, please complete the General Application. After the General Application is submitted, you will be automatically matched to scholarship opportunities for which you may qualify. No further action is required for these automatically matched scholarships. However, you may be prompted to answer additional questions and/or may be eligible to pursue additional scholarship opportunities. To maximize your scholarship eligibility, please review each scholarship opportunity and submit the additional requirements/information. Please keep in mind that qualifying does not guarantee that you will receive a scholarship and be mindful of the deadlines for each scholarship opportunity. You will be notified via email to your preferred UTSA email account if selected for a scholarship, so please check your preferred email account regularly. Only students selected for scholarship awards will receive an email from the awarding college or department.

New scholarships are continuously being added to the Scholarship Hub. We encourage you to keep checking back to ensure you maximize your scholarship opportunities. Thank you for your interest in UTSA Scholarships!

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Varies UTSA International Grant
Consideration for this grant is based on demonstration of need and...
Varies Alameda/UTSA Endowed Museum Internship
This internship award shall be provided to a full-time or part-time...
Varies Caesar A. Rivera Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Recipient(s) must be actively pursuing an undergraduate degree in...
Varies Centro Cultural Cubano Endowed Award for Spanish Majors
• Must be a student enrolled on a full-time basis (minimum of 12...
$3000 Cheatwood Family Scholarship
To be considered, you must be actively pursuing a degree in the...
Varies Dr. James C. Gifford Memorial Scholarship
Only students who have been faculty-nominated will be considered for...
Varies Dr. James D. Calder Endowed Scholarship in Global Affairs
This opportunity is for undergraduate students pursuing a degree in...
Varies Dr. Mansour O. El-Kikhia Endowed Study Abroad Scholarship
Awarded to promising students majoring in Geography and Environmental...
$0.00 Dr. Richard Gambitta Endowed Scholarship in Politics and Law
This opportunity is for undergraduate students pursuing a degree in...
Varies Dwight F. Henderson Endowed Scholarship in History
Qualifications: 1. Be an undergraduate student pursuing a History BA...
Varies Ernest and Aimee Bromley Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Liberal Arts
• Must be an undergraduate student with a declared a major in the...
Varies Frank and Barbara Pino Endowed Scholarship
Recipient(s) must be enrolled full-time as determined by the...
Varies Friends of Anthropology Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Anne Fox and Don Lewis
Graduate student in good standing in the Department of Anthropology at...
$1,000 Hewitt Family Annual Scholarship in COLFA
• Must be an undergraduate or graduate student with a declared major in...
Varies Jack and Betty Mee Cheetham Endowed Scholarship in Communication
This scholarship is open to undergraduate students in the Department of...
Varies John Miller Morris, Jr. Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Available to undergraduate Geography & Environmental Sustainability...
Varies John S. Jockusch Endowed Scholarship in the Liberal Arts
• Must be an undergraduate or graduate student with a declared major in...
$2,000 Kangaroo Court Restaurants of Texas Inc. Annual Scholarship in Liberal Arts
• Students must be an undergraduate or graduate student with a major or...
Varies Kathy Clay-Little Freedom Award Endowed Scholarship
Academic Year 2025-2026 1. Recipient must be enrolled full-time and...
Varies Keith Thomas Memorial Scholarship
Must be enrolled and in good standing in a graduate program in English...
Varies Kenneth Alan Hovey Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Must be actively pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in the...
Varies Lillian Wald Beller Endowed Scholarship
Applicants must be enrolled on a full-time basis and actively pursuing...
Varies Modern Languages & Literatures Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
• Applicants must be actively pursuing a degree with a major or minor in...
$10,000 Nau Undergraduate Research Award in History
1. Must be a UTSA undergraduate History major for the 2025-2026 academic...
$15,000 Nau Year 1 Graduate Research Award in History
1. Applicants for this scholarship must first apply to the History M.A....
$18,000 Nau Year 2 Graduate Research Assistantship in History
1. The student must be enrolled in the UTSA History Graduate Program and...
Varies NSF Scholarship for Service (SFS)
The College of Sciences’ Department of Computer Science and the Alvarez...
Varies San Antonio Express-News Endowed Scholarship in Communication
To qualify for the San Antonio Express-News Scholarship in Communication...
Varies Skip and Judy Eno Debate Scholarship
Award: Number and amount of awards shall vary depending on funds...
Varies Steven G. Kellman Award for Creative Non-Fiction
Criteria Must be enrolled full time in an undergraduate degree program...
Varies The Alan E. Craven Endowed Scholarship
Must be a graduate student majoring in English Must register and...
Varies The Davidson-Shaddox Endowed Scholarship in Creative Writing
This scholarship is for undergraduate students actively pursuing a...
Varies The Doña Agripina de Urdaneta Endowed Scholarship in Anthropology
This Scholarship is for Undergraduate or Graduate students in...
Varies The Eileen Lundy Scholarship for Excellence in English Education
This opportunity is for undergraduate students majoring in English and...
Varies The James Baxter Endowed Scholarship
Available to undergraduate Political Science majors Must have...
Varies The Minnie P. Mastoris Endowed Scholarship
Available to undergraduate Geography majors Must be a resident of...
Varies The Richard E.W. Adams Endowed Scholarship
• Graduate student in good standing (minimum 3.0 GPA). • Currently...
Varies The Ruben Munguia Endowed Scholarship
Available to graduate Political Science majors *Must be enrolled in 6...
Varies The Wade Richmond Endowed Scholarship Fund
This opportunity is for undergraduate students majoring in...
Varies Wendy Barker Creative Writing Award
This award is for graduate students in English Submissions 5-10 pages of...
Varies Whisenhunt Excellence Endowment in Anthropology
Funds distributed shall be used each year to provide one or more...
Varies William V. Mastoris Endowed Scholarship Fund
Philosophy, Classical Studies & Humanities, and Medical Humanities...
Varies Yolanda M. & Robert J. Crittenden Endowed Scholarship in Communication
To qualify for the Yolanda M. & Robert J. Crittenden Endowed Scholarship...
$2,500-$5,000 AFCEA Annual Cyber Security Scholarship
This scholarship was established by The Alamo Chapter of the Armed...
Varies Ambrosino Transformational Leadership Annual Scholarship
Dr. Rosalie Ambrosino is a former Chair of the Department of Social Work...
Varies Border Patrol Agent Ricardo Salinas Criminal Justice Memorial Scholarship
Selection Criteria: Must be in good standing with UTSA. Must be an...
varies Connie Henderson Endowed Scholarship in Public Administration
Recipient(s) must be enrolled in the University and actively pursuing an...
Varies Dominion Rotary Club Past President's Fund
The Dominion Rotary Club Past President’s Fund is an endowed award...
Varies Dr. Anita Kurian Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Anita Kurian Endowed Scholarship criteria: 1. Students must have a...
$1,516.16 Dr. Brian Derrick Endowed Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was created to honor the memory and legacy of Dr. Brian...